Events 2021

SPoT Webinar

SPoT Webinar on Women Leadership And Economic Empowerment

The SPoT Board is inviting you to a scheduled ZOOM WEBINAR
topic: from the 1996 Class Project to the Economic

Date: 29 July 2021
Time: 17H55 - 19H30
Join ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 5139 6835
Password: 286003

Women's Month 2021

The 9th of August 2021 remains important for a number of reasons. But critically, a fountain of sage, education, a year of education, women leadership and women economic empowerment.

It happens at a time when human existence is under grievous threat from the coronavirus pandemic that exposes wider fissures of inequality which have sunk women deeper into the abyss of poverty that reflects the scarred face of a South African woman. Relegated to the economic edges, and a recipient of the economic crumbs which toils for without benefit.

With soiled hands of our toil in narrowing the gulfs of disparity and aligning the imbalances in into the state of equilibrium, a woman’s life is in disproportion, compounded by monstrous acts of gender based violence and femicide, quid pro quo and sexual harassment on the shop floor, rape and marital rape and domestic abuse and flagrant discrimination.

This year's calendar of women activism is aptly commemorated under a theme celebrating the life of one of the stalwarts of the liberation movement, mama Charlotte Maxeke whose Struggles and conviction were to disentangle women from the woven interlace of triple oppression on the basis of class, sex and colour.

For more information, please click here

SPoT Webinar

SPoT Webinar on Women Leadership And Economic Empowerment

The SPoT Board is inviting you to a scheduled ZOOM WEBINAR
THEME: Women Leadership and Economic Empowerment - Year of Charlotte Maxeke

Date: 12 August 2021
Time: 17H15 - 19H30
Join ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 7590 5996
Password: 912339

6th September 2021


The 6th September 2021 marks the birthday of the revolutionary vanguard of the Congress of the South African Students Congress (SASCO).
It was in 1991 that students across the country gathered to witness the formation of one organisation after the merger of the then predominantly White student organisation represented by the National Union of the South African Students (NUSAS) and the South African national Students Congress (SASCO).

The merger was guided on the principles of non-racialism, non-sexism, democracy and unity which constituted the cardinal programme of action towards the transformation of higher education and the establishment of a single higher education system reflective of the demographics of the country.

The vision for a single higher education was intrinsically linked to the nature of the country aspired at the time. Most importantly, the fundamental import was the relevance of the curriculum and its alignment with the human capital need and development strategy of the country.

The 1991 University of Rhodes Conference which took place in the erstwhile Grahamstown, the present day Makhanda resolved to demolish an exclusionary and fragmented apartheid system from ivory towers to peoples’ institutions relevant to the demands and challenges of society. And the nature of society we yearn to construct.
Today, this year 2021, we reflect on the heroic, sterling and valiant role played by the student movement inter-generationally, and the miles travelled since the formation of the South African Student Congress. We reflect on the key milestones and challenges that punctuated this journey in the course its evolution.

The success of every nation hinges on education as an investment in its future and prosperity. In order to achieve South African needs to invest in quality infrastructure. This includes the eradication of mud schools and pit toilets as a restoration of the dignity of our people and the creation of an environment to quality education and early childhood development.

The Strategic Perspective of Transformation (SPoT) joins millions of South Africans to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a giant. As we so do, we urge all South Africans to actively participate in shaping higher education transformation agenda. The Struggle for accessible, quality, decent is not over until higher education responds to societal needs and the complex global economy and information technology in the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Happy birthday

November 2021

On the 21 November 2021 forms members of the South African Student Congress converged at the Velmore Hotel west of Pretoria to establish the Strategic Perspective on Transformation.

This noble idea arose from a need to establish a strategic vehicle that unites and rallies former members of SASCO to spurn them into action as a contribution to societal development in various fields. This ranges from need to create a no-racial, non-sexist and democratic society and to foster social cohesion.

Delegates to the inaugural Conference committed themselves to the transformation of the economy and the creation of an equal society where every person can unleash her/his potential. This entails economic transformation where the majority, reversing the frontiers of poverty by ensuring that all South Africans participate in the mainstream economy and are beneficiaries of the economy as opposed to consumerism.

The Conference adopted far reaching resolutions to give impetus to socio-economic transformation to given meaningful effect to the quality of life, job creation and economic transformation.

16 Days Of Activism

South Africa is a violent society. Hundreds of women and children are maimed and raped everyday. In addressing this scourge the 25 November 2021 heralds the beginning of 16 Days of Activism. This programme runs until the 10th December, hence it is aptly named 16 Days of Activism.

The programmes involves community weakness and activism in the fight against the scourge that scars societal fibre, leaving many with psychological welts, disintegration of families, indignity and suicide, amongst others.

The Strategic Perspective on Transformation is deeply concerned about the prevalence of the gender based violence. Despite a number of prohibitive legislation designed to address this scourge SPoT advocates for the review and strengthening of the penal regime which is insufficient to arrest the vicious tide of violence which is a daily ugly feature of the South Africa society.

Whilst the deterrent measures such the sexual offences register are welcome, it is critical that society rise in action a stem the blood bath and the mutilation of women and children.
SPoT will be joining millions of South Africans through various activities to raise awareness. Society needs to break its silence, crush the culture of patriarchy and misogyny that accounts for violence.

For more information, please click here

SPoT Golf Day

SPoT Golf Day

The SPoT Board is inviting you to a scheduled ZOOM WEBINAR
Venue: Country Club Johannesburg (CCJ)

Date: 09 December 2021
Registration: 09H30

For enquiries contact
Fezile Nodonga
Contact Number: 0719376602


Nkululeko Buthelezi
Contact Number: 0766278654